Firm Profile

Steven Grover & Associates (SGA) specializes in projects requiring sensitive and innovative integration of architectural and engineering design, particularly for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. 

The firm’s work has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, the West County Times, and the Berkeley Voice, as well as the U.C. Berkeley College of Environmental Design Landscape Architecture lecture series. SGA has received numerous commendations and letters of appreciation and praise from cities, agencies and other stakeholders for its astute and effective public process work. 

Recent projects and studies include bicycle and pedestrian freeway and railway bridges and underpasses, stair and ramp facilities, innovative freeway noise barriers, and an urban landmark bicycle parking facility and multi-use pathway design. Virtually all of the over ninety large and small projects completed by the firm are distinguished by creative, elegant, and human design solutions to problems involving difficult geometric and engineering constraints, challenging public input, and conflicting functional goals and requirements.

SGA regularly teams with other professional firms and has developed strong working relationships with local governments and public agencies including Caltrans, the Joint Powers Board (Caltrain), the Valley Transportation Authority, the East Bay Regional Parks District, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, and the Association of Bay Area Governments. SGA also has good working relationships with many of the Bay Area bicycle and pedestrian advocacy groups. Former or current clients include the Cities of Berkeley, Palo Alto, El Cerrito, Santa Cruz, Cupertino, Santa Clara County, the East Bay Bicycle Coalition, PIXAR, the Cosmo Baptist Church of Oakland, the Union City Masonic Home, CalStart, and numerous private individuals and small commercial entities.